Work on Sabbath
While it is essential in medical institutions that a minimum of labor be performed at all times in order to maintain the welfare and comfort of the patients, Seventh-day Adventists employed in non-Adventist institutions in which Sabbath hours bring no relief from routine duties are under obligation to remember the principles that regulate all Sabbath activities. In order to avoid situations in which our church members may be faced with problems of Sabbathkeeping in non-Adventist institutions, it is recommended that:, they make known their Sabbathkeeping principles and request a work schedule that will exempt them from Sabbath duties.
1. When Seventh-day Adventists accept employment in non-Seventh-day Adventist hospitals Sabbath Work in Non-Adventist Hospitals.
2. Where work schedules or other factors make this impossible, Adventists should clearly identify the duties, if any, they can conscientiously perform on the Sabbath and the frequency thereof.
3. Where the above accommodations cannot be arranged, members should make loyalty to God's requirements paramount and abstain from routine work.
Official statement of SDA- 2014